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Query the store.

Renders any Queryable Schema like Entity, All, Collection, Query, and Union from the store.

Queries are a great companion to efficiently render aggregate computations like those that use groupBy, map, reduce, and filter.

useQuery() is reactive to data mutations; rerendering only when necessary. Returns undefined when data is Invalid.


import { schema } from '@data-client/rest';
import { useQuery } from '@data-client/react';
import { Post } from './PostResource';

const queryTotalVotes = new schema.Query(
  new schema.All(Post),
  (posts, { userId } = {}) => {
    if (userId !== undefined)
      posts = posts.filter(post => === userId);
    return posts.reduce((total, post) => total + post.votes, 0);

export default function TotalVotes({ userId }: Props) {
  const totalVotes = useQuery(queryTotalVotes, { userId });
  return (
      <small>{totalVotes} votes total</small>
interface Props {
  userId: number;
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See truthiness narrowing for more information about type handling


function useQuery(
schema: Queryable,
...args: SchemaArgs<typeof schema>
): DenormalizeNullable<typeof endpoint.schema> | undefined;


Queryable schemas require an queryKey() method that returns something. These include Entity, All, Collection, Query, and Union.

interface Queryable {
args: readonly any[],
queryKey: (...args: any) => any,
getEntity: GetEntity,
getIndex: GetIndex,
// Must be non-void
): {};


Sorting & Filtering

Query provides programmatic access to the Reactive Data Client store.

import { schema } from '@data-client/rest';
import { useQuery, useFetch } from '@data-client/react';
import { UserResource, User } from './UserResource';

interface Args {
  asc: boolean;
  isAdmin?: boolean;
const sortedUsers = new schema.Query(
  new schema.All(User),
  (entries, { asc, isAdmin }: Args = { asc: false }) => {
    let sorted = [...entries].sort((a, b) =>;
    if (isAdmin !== undefined)
      sorted = sorted.filter(user => user.isAdmin === isAdmin);
    if (asc) return sorted;
    return sorted.reverse();

function UsersPage() {
  const users = useQuery(sortedUsers, { asc: true });
  if (!users) return <div>No users in cache yet</div>;
  return (
      { => (
        <div key={}>{}</div>
render(<UsersPage />);
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Remaining Todo total

Queries can also be used to compute aggregates

More Demos

Data fallbacks

In this case Ticker is constantly updated from a websocket stream. However, there is no bulk/list fetch for Ticker - making it inefficient for getting the prices on a list view.

So in this case we can fetch a list of Stats as a fallback since it has price data as well.

More Demos