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Async rendering of remotely triggered data mutations.

useSuspense() + useSubscription() in one hook.

useLive() is reactive to data mutations; rerendering only when necessary.


import { useLive } from '@data-client/react';
import { getTicker } from './Ticker';

function AssetPrice({ productId }: Props) {
  const ticker = useLive(getTicker, { productId });
  return (
      {productId}{' '}
      <Formatted value={ticker.price} formatter="currency" />
interface Props {
  productId: string;
render(<AssetPrice productId="BTC-USD" />);
🔴 Live Preview


Conditional Dependencies

Use null as the second argument to any Data Client hook means "do nothing."

// todo could be undefined if id is undefined
const todo = useLive(TodoResource.get, id ? { id } : null);
React Native

When using React Navigation, useLive() will trigger fetches on focus if the data is considered stale. useLive() will also sub/unsub with focus/unfocus respectively.


function useLive(
endpoint: ReadEndpoint,
...args: Parameters<typeof endpoint> | [null]
): Denormalize<typeof endpoint.schema>;


Bitcoin Price (polling)

When our component with useLive is rendered, getTicker will fetch at pollFrequency miliseconds.

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