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<DataProvider />

Manages state, providing all context needed to use the hooks. Should be placed as high as possible in application tree as any usage of the hooks is only possible for components below the provider in the React tree.

import { DataProvider } from '@data-client/react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

<App />

Alternatively integrate state with redux


interface ProviderProps {
children: ReactNode;
managers?: Manager[];
initialState?: State<unknown>;
Controller?: typeof Controller;
| 'bottom-right'
| 'bottom-left'
| 'top-right'
| 'top-left'
| null;

initialState: State<unknown>

export interface State<T> {
readonly entities: {
readonly [entityKey: string]: { readonly [pk: string]: T } | undefined;
readonly endpoints: {
readonly [key: string]: unknown | PK[] | PK | undefined;
readonly indexes: NormalizedIndex;
readonly meta: {
readonly [key: string]: {
readonly date: number;
readonly error?: ErrorTypes;
readonly expiresAt: number;
readonly prevExpiresAt?: number;
readonly invalidated?: boolean;
readonly errorPolicy?: 'hard' | 'soft' | undefined;
readonly entityMeta: {
readonly [entityKey: string]: {
readonly [pk: string]: {
readonly date: number;
readonly expiresAt: number;
readonly fetchedAt: number;
readonly optimistic: (SetResponseAction | OptimisticAction)[];
readonly lastReset: number;

Instead of starting with an empty cache, you can provide your own initial state. This can be useful for testing, or rehydrating the cache state when using server side rendering.

managers?: Manager[]

List of Managers use. This is the main extensibility point of the provider.

getDefaultManagers() can be used to extend the default managers.

Default Production:

[new NetworkManager(), new SubscriptionManager(PollingSubscription)];

Default Development:

new DevToolsManager(),
new NetworkManager(),
new SubscriptionManager(PollingSubscription),

Controller: typeof Controller

This allows you to extend Controller to provide additional functionality. This might be useful if you have additional actions you want to dispatch to custom Managers

class MyController extends Controller {
doSomething = () => {

const RealApp = (
<DataProvider Controller={MyController}>
<App />


In development, a small button will appear that gives easy access to browser devtools if installed. This option configures where it shows up, or if null will disable it altogether.

'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'top-right'| 'top-left' | null = 'bottom-right'

Disable button
<DataProvider devButton={null}>
Place in top right corner
<DataProvider devButton="top-right">