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getDefaultManagers returns an Array of Managers to be sent to <DataProvider />.

This makes it simple to configure and add custom Managers, while remaining robust against any potential changes to the default managers.

Currently returns [DevToolsManager*, NetworkManager, SubscriptionManager].

*(DevToolsManager is excluded in production builds.)


import {
} from '@data-client/react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

const managers = getDefaultManagers({
// set fallback expiry time to an hour
networkManager: { dataExpiryLength: 1000 * 60 * 60 },

<DataProvider managers={managers}>
<App />

See DataProvider for details on usage in different environments.


Each argument represents a configuration of the manager. It can be of three possible types:

  • Any plain object is used as options to be sent to the manager's constructor.
  • An instance of the manager to be used directly.
  • null. When sent will exclude the manager.
devToolsManager: { trace: true },
networkManager: new NetworkManager({ errorExpiryLength: 1 }),
subscriptionManager: null,



null is not allowed here since NetworkManager is required

dataExpiryLength is used as a fallback when an Endpoint does not have dataExpiryLength defined.

errorExpiryLength is used as a fallback when an Endpoint does not have errorExpiryLength defined.


Arguments to send to redux devtools.


A class that implements SubscriptionConstructable like PollingSubscription


Tracing actions

For example, we can enable the trace option to help track down where actions are dispatched from. This has a large performance impact, so it is normally disabled.

const managers = getDefaultManagers({
devToolsManager: { trace: true },

Manager inheritance

Sending manager instances allows us to customize managers using inheritance.

import { IdlingNetworkManager } from '@data-client/react';

const managers = getDefaultManagers({
networkManager: new IdlingNetworkManager(),

IdlingNetworkManager can prevent stuttering by delaying sideEffect-free (read-only/GET) fetches until animations are complete. This works in web using requestIdleCallback, and react native using InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions.


Using null will remove managers completely. NetworkManager cannot be removed this way.

const managers = getDefaultManagers({
devToolsManager: null,
subscriptionManager: null,

Here we disable every manager except NetworkManager.

Coin App

New prices are streamed in many times a second; to reduce devtool spam, we set it to ignore SET actions for Ticker.

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