defines a single unique object.
If you already have classes for your data-types, EntityMixin
may be for you.
import { EntityMixin } from '@data-client/rest'; export class Article { id = ''; title = ''; content = ''; tags: string[] = []; } export class ArticleEntity extends EntityMixin(Article) {}
The second argument to the mixin can be used to conveniently customize construction. If not specified the Base
class' static members will be used. Alternatively, just like with Entity, you can always specify
these as static members of the final class.
class User { username = ''; createdAt = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0); } class UserEntity extends EntityMixin(User, { pk: 'username', key: 'User', schema: { createdAt: Temporal.Instant.from }, }) {}
pk: string | (value, parent?, key?, args?) => string | number | undefined = 'id'
Specifies the Entity.pk
A string
indicates the field to use for pk.
A function
is used just like Entity.pk, but the first argument (value
) is this
Defaults to 'id'; which means pk is a required option unless the Base
class has a serializable id
class Thread { forum = ''; slug = ''; content = ''; } class ThreadEntity extends EntityMixin(Thread, { pk(value) { return [value.forum, value.slug].join(','); }, }) {}
key: string
Specifies the Entity.key
schema: {[k:string]: Schema}
Specifies the Entity.schema
has the same methods as the Entity class.
const vs class
If you don't need to further customize the entity, you can use a const
declaration instead
of extend
to another class.
There is a subtle difference when referring to the class token
in TypeScript - as
declarations will refer to the instance type; whereas const tokens
refer to the value, so you
must use typeof
, but additionally typeof gives the class type, so you must layer InstanceType
on top.
import { schema } from '@data-client/rest'; export class Article { id = ''; title = ''; content = ''; tags: string[] = []; } export class ArticleEntity extends EntityMixin(Article) {} export const ArticleEntity2 = EntityMixin(Article); const article: ArticleEntity = ArticleEntity.fromJS(); const articleFails: ArticleEntity2 = ArticleEntity2.fromJS(); const articleWorks: InstanceType<typeof ArticleEntity2> = ArticleEntity2.fromJS();