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<MockResolver />

function MockResolver<T>(props: {
children: React.ReactNode;
fixtures: (Fixture | Interceptor<T>)[];
getInitialInterceptorData: () => T;
}): JSX.Element;

<MockResolver /> enables easy loading of fixtures to see what different network responses might look like. This is useful for storybook as well as component testing.



(Fixture | Interceptor<T>)[]

This prop specifies the fixtures or interceptors to use data from. Each item represents a fetch defined by the Endpoint and params. Result contains the JSON response expected from said fetch.


Function that initializes the this attribute for all interceptors.

endpoint: new RestEndpoint({
path: '/api/count/increment',
method: 'POST',
body: undefined,
response() {
return {
count: (this.count = this.count + 1),
delay: () => 500 + Math.random() * 4500,
getInitialInterceptorData={() => ({ count: 0 })}


import { MockResolver } from '@data-client/test';

import ArticleResource from 'resources/ArticleResource';
import MyComponentToTest from 'components/MyComponentToTest';

const results = [
// fixture
endpoint: ArticleResource.getList,
args: [{ maxResults: 10 }] as const,
response: [
id: 5,
content: 'have a merry christmas',
author: 2,
contributors: [],
id: 532,
content: 'never again',
author: 23,
contributors: [5],
// interceptor
endpoint: ArticleResource.partialUpdate,
response: ({ id }, body) => ({

const Template: Story = () => (
<MockResolver fixtures={results}>
<MyComponentToTest />

export const MyStory = Template.bind({});