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GraphQL Authentication

Here's an example using simple cookie auth:

export const gql = new GQLEndpoint('', {
getRequestInit(body: any): Promise<RequestInit> {
return {
credentials: 'same-origin',
export default gql;

Access Tokens

Here we'll use a member variable to track the access token and send it in a header.

export const gql = new GQLEndpoint('', {
getHeaders(headers: HeadersInit): HeadersInit {
return {
'Access-Token': this.accessToken,
export default gql;

Then be sure to set the access token upon login:

import gql from 'schema/endpoint';

function Auth() {
const handleLogin = useCallback(
async e => {
const { accessToken } = await login(new FormData(;
// success!
gql.accessToken = accessToken;

return <AuthForm onSubmit={handleLogin} />;

401 Logout Handling

In case a users authorization expires, the server will typically responsd to indicate as such. The standard way of doing this is with a 401. LogoutManager can be used to easily trigger any de-authorization cleanup.